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International Purchasing and Supply

Education and Research Association

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  • 17 Mar 2024 12:15 | Favour Mba

    Leonardo Marques, IPSERA President and IPSERA 2024 Conference Chair, has this message for you:

  • 17 Mar 2024 12:11 | Favour Mba

    We look forward to welcoming all participants to the 2024 IPSERA Doctoral Workshop. Please see the detailed breakdown of the program

  • 17 Mar 2024 12:06 | Favour Mba

    Welcome to IPSERA 2024! Anni-Kaisa Kähkönen, IPSERA PhD Coordinator has a message for you too:

  • 17 Mar 2024 11:56 | Favour Mba

    Our 33rd annual gathering, IPSERA 2024: Emerging Alternatives, is approaching fast. Please see the conference program overview here. We encourage you to note down your preferred sessions to ensure you don't miss any.

    We will kick off the conference with an Educators' Workshop and a Doctoral Workshop on Sunday, March 24th. From Monday, March 25th, to Wednesday, March 27th, we will have 234 paper presentations across 62 parallel sessions with more than 235 in-person and 55 online participants. In addition, we will have 8 leading-edge and thought-provoking professional development workshops throughout the conference.

    We are looking forward to welcoming you to the IPSERA Conference 2024 in Rio from 24th March to 27th March 2024.

  • 19 Feb 2024 17:53 | Favour Mba

    Call for papers: Unchaining supply chains: Enabling transformative leaps towards regenerative socio-ecological systems

    Submissions Deadline: 1 March 2024

    Call for papers: Replication studies in Supply Chain Management

    Submissions Deadline:  31 December 202

    Call for papers: Supply chain resilience theory for tomorrow’s world 

    Submissions window:  1 November 2024 to 31 January 2025

    Call for papers: Envisioning Supply Chains in a Post-Growth Era

    Submissions Deadline: 31 March 2025

    Further details can be found here.

  • 19 Feb 2024 17:49 | Favour Mba

    Call for papers: Purchasing and Supply Management Education

    Submission deadline: 2 March 2024

    Call for papers: Digitalization for Sustainable Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

    Submission deadline: 31 March 2024

    Call for papers: Unchaining supply chains: Enabling transformative leaps towards regenerative socio-ecological systems

    Submissions Deadline:  1 March 2024

    Further information can be found here.

  • 19 Feb 2024 17:32 | Favour Mba

    IPSERA have entered a new phase of their long-standing relationship with the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. Specifically:

    1. JPSM will continue to be the exclusive conference special issue partner for IPSERA.

    2. JPSM’s annual awards (best reviewer, best associate editor) will be featured at the annual gala event during the IPSERA annual conference

    3. JPSM and IPSERA will provide joint workshops in various PSM topics for the entire IPSERA & JPSM community

    4. The current EIC of JPSM will now join the IPSERA executive committee meetings a couple of times per year, engaging in discussion on research policy and alignment between JPSM and IPSERA

  • 19 Feb 2024 17:21 | Favour Mba

    Registration for the IPSERA Summer School is now live, if you are a PhD student and junior faculty member in procurement, we invite you to join the IPSERA PSM Summer school from June 25th to 28th, 2024. The summer school is hosted by Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and supported by Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). This 26th edition features interactive sessions with international faculty including Melek Akın Ateş, John Gray, Louise Knight, and Kai Foerstl.

    Earn credits for your PhD training program and enjoy daily networking lunches and dinner events. Also, IPSERA offers bursaries with additional sponsorship from Nevi.

    Register by April 19th, 2024! For more information click here

  • 12 Feb 2024 10:18 | Mohammad H. Eslami (Administrator)

    In a world where digitalisation, decarbonisation, circularity, and geopolitical risks are reshaping supply chains, the need for collective action has never been more crucial. The recent IPSERA online event brought to the forefront the transformative power of collaboration across sectors.

    During an insightful roundtable discussion on 7th February 2024, we delved into the roles of not-for-profit foundations such as Together for Sustainability (TfS), the Open Compute Project (OCP), and Fraunhofer ISS – CATENA-X in steering systemic transformations towards sustainable supply chains. These organizations exemplify how data sharing and open-source initiatives are pivotal in reshaping industries for the better.

    Key takeaways:

    - OCP is revolutionizing the Data Centre and Telecommunication industries by promoting open source and open collaboration in hardware.

    - TfS is enhancing sustainability in the chemical supply chain through pooled supplier audits, carbon footprint standards, and data sharing among its 45+ members.

    - Catena-X is creating a unified data standard across the automotive value chain, ensuring efficiency, sustainability, and innovation.

    The event also spotlighted the critical role of academia, with young researchers
    Felicia Kemmer and Florian Paffrathemphasizing the need for deeper understanding of collective actions to address the grand challenges ahead.

    A heartfelt thank you to our distinguished guests
    Michael Henke, Hervé Legenvre, and representatives (Gabriele Unger, Steve Helvie and J
    ürgen Schmelting) from TfS, OCP, and Fraunhofer ISS, along with all participants for a truly enriching discussion. Together, we are paving the way towards a more sustainable and collaborative future.

  • 10 Feb 2024 13:41 | Mohammad H. Eslami (Administrator)

    We invite self-nominations for the 2024 IPSERA Doctoral Dissertation Award.

    This award emerged as a natural consequence of IPSERA’s dedication to the support of young academics. The award signifies important contributions on phenomena that address PSM issues by a recently graduated PhD. The best doctoral dissertation in the field of Purchasing and Supply Management will be celebrated at the conference, receive a award certificate and a €500 monetary price. In order to be eligible for this award, a dissertation must address a phenomenon that is of importance to the PSM field and have been completed in the calendar year prior to the next IPSERA conference.

    All applications will be confidential. Your application will be evaluated by a committee of experienced scholars in the field of PSM.

    The application must include: 

    • proof that the dissertation was completed in the year prior to the upcoming IPSERA conference;
    • max 2-page executive summary describing the research objectives, methods applied, main findings and contribution to PSM theory and practice;
    • list of any spin-off publications.

    Please submit your application before February 29, 2024.

    The award winner will be announced at the 33rd Annual IPSERA Conference in Rio de Janeiro. With questions, please write to (Robert Suurmond), the technical chair of the Dissertation Award committee.

    IPSERA Team

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